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How to make an exhibition

1.Signup & Login

To enjoy artworks, you don't need to signup or login. But if you want to register your artworks, you need to signup and login. To initiate a signup or login,


2.Add Artworks

After login, you can add your artworks like below.


If it is a physical artwork, make sure to put the size of the artwork.

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Select the way you want to sell. If you want to sell Camille World Digital Collectibles, the artworks have to be yours and never sold to be as NFT or Digital Collectible within Camille World or any other markets. Selling others' artwork images as NFTs or double selling are illegal.

Before sale, you can change the price, count, and royalty rate. Even after selling starts, you can change the price and lower the royalty rate. However after an NFT is sold, you can not change the count of NFTs. Royalty rate is the rate the artists will get paid when NFTs are re-sold. If you have an artwork minted in other markets, click "Outbound Link or 3rd Party NFT", and add the outbound link address.  

3.Change Username (Only One time)


Changing username is possible only for once. The artist story is the artist information viewers will see at exhibitions.

4.Add your exhibition


Select the title image. This is the thumbnail image users will see in the list. In Edit mode, you can edit the artwork selection.


When ready, you can publish your exhibitions so viewers can visit. (This is a paid service) 


When published, the public address is available. Copy the address by clicking the copy button. This is a unique and permanent address. You may still change the gallery style, music, or the art selection.


You may unpublish/publish anytime. However if you chose to delete an exhibition, the deletion is permanent and your address no longer can be accessed. Be very careful to delete an exhibition.  

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